An Xmas Message from Rob Holdaway

On behalf of the Committee of Muniong Ski Club, I’d like to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a most prosperous New Year.

2016 was one of the busiest we’ve seen at Muniong. The timetable for building alterations that was imposed on us by National Parks meant a mad scramble early in the year just to open the doors. It was that close. And we haven’t finished yet.  There will be another working bee on 14-15 January.  Please join us won’t you.

The season itself was good in parts, as has been the case for the last few years. There are plans for more snow making at Smiggins and improved access to the main Perisher range.

In the next week or so you will receive a request to pay the 2017 annual subscription, unchanged at $200. The Club appreciates your efforts in paying this as early as you can.

I’ll have more to report at the AGM later in 2017. Until then enjoy your break and, once again, Merry Christmas.

Rob Holdaway


Muniong Mumble 2016/02

Hello to all my Muniong friends
The Old Mumbler is hitting your inbox again with big news. Of course, the news is that bookings for Season 2016 open, for members, in one week’s time, on Tues 01 March.

There’s more, so pay close attention now, won’t you. Booking requests can now be made online. In fact that’s the way we’d prefer you to lodge your booking request. Go to, and look for Bookings on the top line. In the drop-down menu you will see the Online Booking Form. Click on this link and you will see the new form. Note that all dates are in American format, ie, mm/dd/yyyy and that the Payment Amount won’t accept a $ sign. (We’re working on it!) Complete the details (some are required) and click Submit. You will receive an email acknowledgement of your request.

When you lodge your preferred dates, Alice Lehane will then do her booking officer thing and juggle all requests as usual. Alice is happy to receive completed forms in her inbox immediately, but won’t even look at them until 01 March. It has been pleasing to see that a few members have been keeping their eyes on the website and have lodged already. Well done to you all, but please refer the previous sentence.

One more thing for you all to note. Muniong will no longer accept cheques by post for payment of accommodation or subscriptions. Of course, you’re welcome to write a cheque, but you will need to toddle down to your local bank and deposit it yourself. Much easier to do a direct deposit or pay online.

Some things don’t change. Members bookings open 01 March. Members’ guests bookings open 01 April and guests alone can book on 01 May. And there is a hard copy booking form also on the website if you prefer.

When you get your winter wonderland booking organised, don’t forget that there is plenty happening at the lodge already. Col Doolan has a team there as we speak and there is a big working bee planned for Easter. Looking for volunteers. Think about it, won’t you. If we don’t get the planned work done, we won’t open for the season. NPWS says so!

We’ll be back soon with news of the AGM, and other vital stuff. So stay tuned.

Muniong Mumble 2015/03

Your Old Mumbler knows the question on everyone’s lips.  “How did the concrete pour go?” See for yourself.  From this to this.  The balustrade will be erected in a couple of weeks when the concrete is cured.  Then, finally, we’ll be waterproof and, importantly, legal.

Indoors, paint brushes have been brushing and rollers rolling.  There are new curtains, there are new pillows and there are new comforters, whatever they are.  Congratulations to new member Carolyn Cameron and partner John Casey, for joining us last weekend.  They worked pretty hard, but I think they had fun, too.  Because it is fun!  Want to see how much fun? Join us over Easter.

There will be a big push over the Easter weekend to finalise the 2015 maintenance programme.  Any time from Thursday afternoon through to Tuesday morning, we’d love to see you.  Think of it as glamping, you know, glamorous camping.  BYO food and linen.  It’s important to have the joint ready for P +T to set up the season.  And you will have fun! It’s a promise.  Contact Rob Holdaway,, 0407 056 737, or Iain Taylor,, 0424 495 595.

We’ll be back in your inbox again in about a week with a full update of the vacancies at the lodge prior to  non-members bookings.  If you haven’t booked already, this is the one for you.

See you at Muniong  (at Easter?)


Muniong Mumble 2015/02

Psst……..psst, over here. Anyone want to see a sexy picture? Click here.


Are you back with us, yet? Good. Three men and their trusty Hilti jack hammer ventured down to the lodge last weekend to prepare the deck for it’s new surface. As with most things in this renovation, it did not go entirely to plan. Instead of a nice sand and cement base easily removed with said jack hammer, the base was rock hard concrete. Well, the three men are now shadows of their former selves, having hammered themselves to a standstill on Saturday and then backed up for more on Sunday. Many and varied thank you’s to Rob Holdaway, Col Doolan and Iain Taylor.

Next weekend, the reinforcing steelwork will be put into place and tied down. At least we hope so. At time of writing we have a volunteer group of one. Not enough!. We desperately need more bodies to assist. Can you help? Please! Contact Rob Holdaway. 0407 056 737.

Now back to our opening question. Perhaps you though that the Mumbler was overreaching a tad, to describe a water heater as sexy. Not a bit! The three men, with their broken bodies, were the first to try out the new heater and it’s two sisters. The hot water is hotter, the pressure is higher and hopefully the bill will be lower. Sexy after a hard day jack hammering and sexy after a hard day skiing.

That’s it for the moment. More on the continuing renovations as they progress. But we need you this weekend. Call now.

Muniong Mumble 2014/08

Compliments of the season to you marvelous Muniong members out there. Your old Mumbler knows that you have all been good boys and girls this year and so can expect plenty of good things to come your way during the festive season.
There has been three – yes, count them – working bees already since the end of the season. Not only has the main hall been completely repainted, but so has the ski room and drying rooms. We’ve also begun the process of fire rating the internal walls between the upstairs rooms. But most importantly, we are on the way to waterproofing and resealing the deck. Big, big job!

WHS On The Run

WHS On The Run

Resurfacing the Deck Nov 2014

Resurfacing the Deck Nov 2014

As you can see in the photos, the tiles have gone and so has the seat. The back (front?) stairs have also been temporarily dismembered. Subsequent to these photos, scaffolding has been erected around the deck to allow formwork to be put in place for slab repair.
All this is in preparation for a final concrete pour on Friday 6 February. Fixed date – will not be changed. This means that we will require at least one more working bee in January to complete our preparations. We need you! Especially if you like jack hammer work. Which weekend are you available?  Take your pick from 17 & 18 January (favourite), 24, 25 & 26 January (the long weekend) or 30 & 31 January (emergency only). Why don’t you make a pre-Christmas new year resolution to come to at least one working bee in January. We really need all the help that we can get. Email President Rob Holdaway now.
Subscriptions are due on 1 January.  Separate notification will be out shortly, but don’t panic – no increase this year! Your treasurer will be your best buddy for life if you get the money in asap. And don’t forget, you can now use your credit card (or PayPal a/c). Simply go to the website, Look under Bookings/Payments and follow the prompts. It’s that easy.

Time to sign off for 2014. Your Old Mumbler has been asked to pass on the Board’s best wishes to you and your family for the coming festive season. Good luck in 2015. See you at Muniong.

Muniong Mumble 2014/02

The AGM has come and gone for another year.  Your Old Mumbler was very pleased at the fantastic turnout.  Our Board is again headed up by President Rob Holdaway and his team from 2013 was reelected, too.  But it is a particular pleasure to welcome both Lorraine Gregory and Juliette Spurrett to the Board.  Both ladies are long term members of the Club and are still very enthusiastic about the joint.  We look forward to their contribution.

The working bee earlier in the month was a great success, but the work is not over yet.  It is proposed to hold two more before the season starts.  Please put in your diary the weekends of 10-11 May and 17-18 May.  Yes, two bees one week apart.  If you can contribute to one or both of these efforts, please email Pres Rob at, or call him on 0407 056 737 for details. Painting and gardening are all the go and we can teach you about both.  So, don’t be afraid, please put your name down now.

See you at Muniong!