Muniong Mumble 2017/2

STOP PRESS:  School Holiday bookings are very much in demand.  Due to a cancellation, we have 8 beds available from 30 June (or earlier) through to 4 July.  This is right at the beginning of the NSW school holidays.  If you want to bring the kids down for a great few days – and have some fun yourself – then go to the website and complete the Online Booking Form.  Guests welcome to apply.  

Hello from your Old Mumbler

We write to you at the end of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.  The lodge has been pretty much full for the first time in a few years.  The new owners of Perisher, Vail, have been proactive in getting the joint happening.  Of course, there is snow making, but there is a lot of music and entertainment around the venues as well.

During the off season, we had a number of working bees to spruce up the lodge.  You will be pleased to know that the major works that we needed to undertake have been completed and your lodge looks tip top for the season.  Thanks to all those volunteers who turned up. There will be more working bees next year and you will again be asked to turn up.  It’s a fun weekend, so please consider it.  

Enough of that, though.  We’re here to ski, and if you have booked already, I know you will have a ball.  If you haven’t, go to the vacancies page and get in while you can.

See you at Muniong

The Old Mumbler

Muniong Mumble 2017/1

Hello to all members of Muniong

Your Old Mumbler hopes that you have all had a memorable Christmas and are looking forward to 2017 as much as he is.  Now that the festive season is almost over our thoughts, of course, turn to snowsports.  Even from NSW the mid-north coast hamlet of Urunga, where your correspondent is holding out for a week or two, he is planning his next journey to Smiggin Holes and can’t wait for the white stuff to start falling.

But first things first!

Your 2017 subscription to Muniong Ski Lodge Co-Op Ltd falls due on 1 January.  It remains at $200 inc GST. A real bargain!  Would you please take this notice as a formal request for payment.   There are three great ways to pay:-

  • By direct deposit into our Macquarie Bank account.  BSB 182-512 A/C 960892115
  • Use your credit card (or PayPal account).   Go to and follow the instructions.
  • Take your cheque to your bank and deposit into the account above.  Note that we do not accept payments through the mail.

Prompt payment of your annual subscription really gives the Club a good base to launch into the 2107 season.  If you would like a formal invoice, please pop a note to and it will be forthcoming.

Thanks in advance for your prompt payment – and see you at the snow.

An Xmas Message from Rob Holdaway

On behalf of the Committee of Muniong Ski Club, I’d like to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a most prosperous New Year.

2016 was one of the busiest we’ve seen at Muniong. The timetable for building alterations that was imposed on us by National Parks meant a mad scramble early in the year just to open the doors. It was that close. And we haven’t finished yet.  There will be another working bee on 14-15 January.  Please join us won’t you.

The season itself was good in parts, as has been the case for the last few years. There are plans for more snow making at Smiggins and improved access to the main Perisher range.

In the next week or so you will receive a request to pay the 2017 annual subscription, unchanged at $200. The Club appreciates your efforts in paying this as early as you can.

I’ll have more to report at the AGM later in 2017. Until then enjoy your break and, once again, Merry Christmas.

Rob Holdaway


Muniong Survey

Hi Muniongers

Some of you will have received a survey request from Muniong.  Was this a real survey?  The answer is YES.  Did it work the way we intended? A very resounding NO!  Please accept our apologies for this failure.

We had hoped to obtain feedback as to what type of branded club merchandise we could offer to members.   We still want that feedback.  So we’re going to try again.  You will receive the survey in the next 24 hours. There are five or six questions that we’d like you to answer.  Should take about a minute.  And we are confident that it will work this time.

Thanks for your patience, and the snow is bucketing down!

Muniong Mumble 2106/04

A quick reminder, that due to a cancellation, there are two beds available at Muniong – for the full week – smack bang in peak season, week beginning 14 August.  Get on to booking officer Alice, now.  And to see what else is available, have a look at the Lodge Vacancies page on the website.  Last weeks in both July and August look good, too.

Muniong Mumble 2016/02

Hello to all my Muniong friends
The Old Mumbler is hitting your inbox again with big news. Of course, the news is that bookings for Season 2016 open, for members, in one week’s time, on Tues 01 March.

There’s more, so pay close attention now, won’t you. Booking requests can now be made online. In fact that’s the way we’d prefer you to lodge your booking request. Go to, and look for Bookings on the top line. In the drop-down menu you will see the Online Booking Form. Click on this link and you will see the new form. Note that all dates are in American format, ie, mm/dd/yyyy and that the Payment Amount won’t accept a $ sign. (We’re working on it!) Complete the details (some are required) and click Submit. You will receive an email acknowledgement of your request.

When you lodge your preferred dates, Alice Lehane will then do her booking officer thing and juggle all requests as usual. Alice is happy to receive completed forms in her inbox immediately, but won’t even look at them until 01 March. It has been pleasing to see that a few members have been keeping their eyes on the website and have lodged already. Well done to you all, but please refer the previous sentence.

One more thing for you all to note. Muniong will no longer accept cheques by post for payment of accommodation or subscriptions. Of course, you’re welcome to write a cheque, but you will need to toddle down to your local bank and deposit it yourself. Much easier to do a direct deposit or pay online.

Some things don’t change. Members bookings open 01 March. Members’ guests bookings open 01 April and guests alone can book on 01 May. And there is a hard copy booking form also on the website if you prefer.

When you get your winter wonderland booking organised, don’t forget that there is plenty happening at the lodge already. Col Doolan has a team there as we speak and there is a big working bee planned for Easter. Looking for volunteers. Think about it, won’t you. If we don’t get the planned work done, we won’t open for the season. NPWS says so!

We’ll be back soon with news of the AGM, and other vital stuff. So stay tuned.