Muniong Mumble 2015/05

Hello from the Mumbler.
We are just three weeks away from the opening of the 2015 ski season and I know that for many of you it can’t come soon enough.

Your Board has the utmost pleasure in announcing that our new Managers have been appointed. Lynda & Bruce Powney are passionate skiers, have been involved in the hospitality industry over many years and are keen to make our Muniong experience all we would hope for. Their enthusiasm was evident at their interviews and the selection committee had no hesitation in recommending them to the Board. They have written an introduction to themselves which you can view here. I know that we will all make Lynda and Bruce feel welcome at Muniong over the coming season.

The AGM has come and gone for another year and it was pleasing to note that the turnout was better than in past years, including Director Juliette Spurrett’s attendance by video link from Canberra – a first for Muniong.

Things went as they usually do.  President Rob gave his thoughts on the year, including the lodge improvement programme completed through the summer. Treasurer Iain commented on the financials, including the lodge improvement programme completed through the summer. The Board was largely re-elected. Bernie Ignatius has decided on a rest after some 15 years a Board member and Dianne Hugill felt that her recent move to Moss Vale would preclude her attendance at Board Meetings. However, Rob has asked her to stay on as Membership Officer and she has graciously accepted. Our new Booking Officer, Alice Lehane, has joined the Board. Welcome, Alice.

Questions from the floor are always interesting and so it was this year. There was some concern that our booking procedures needed some fine tuning. The Board agreed to monitor this in future and implement any improvements required. There was also a question asked about our membership, particularly about the aging of our membership. It was generally considered that the information we have was not being used effectively and that in many cases we didn’t have enough information to formulate plans. The Board will be looking closely at this aspect in the coming year.

That’s all for now, folks. See you (and Lynda & Bruce) at Muniong.

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