Muniong Mumble 2017/1

Hello to all members of Muniong

Your Old Mumbler hopes that you have all had a memorable Christmas and are looking forward to 2017 as much as he is.  Now that the festive season is almost over our thoughts, of course, turn to snowsports.  Even from NSW the mid-north coast hamlet of Urunga, where your correspondent is holding out for a week or two, he is planning his next journey to Smiggin Holes and can’t wait for the white stuff to start falling.

But first things first!

Your 2017 subscription to Muniong Ski Lodge Co-Op Ltd falls due on 1 January.  It remains at $200 inc GST. A real bargain!  Would you please take this notice as a formal request for payment.   There are three great ways to pay:-

  • By direct deposit into our Macquarie Bank account.  BSB 182-512 A/C 960892115
  • Use your credit card (or PayPal account).   Go to and follow the instructions.
  • Take your cheque to your bank and deposit into the account above.  Note that we do not accept payments through the mail.

Prompt payment of your annual subscription really gives the Club a good base to launch into the 2107 season.  If you would like a formal invoice, please pop a note to and it will be forthcoming.

Thanks in advance for your prompt payment – and see you at the snow.

Posted in Club, Membership, Subscriptions.