Greetings to all Muniongers
I know may of you will be concerned about our new managers for 2015 and your Old Mumbler has good news. We have received a large number of quality applications, which the Board is currently working through. We hope to have an announcement shortly.
In the meantime however, we have more mundane things to announce. The Annual General Meeting has been set down for Wednesday 13 May, 7;30pm at Roseville Memorial Club. Formal notification, as well as the Financial Statements, will be forwarded by separate email over the next day or so. If you don’t get it, please let the Treasurer Iain Taylor know –
Have you booked your stay at Muniong this year? Booking Officer Alice Lehane would love to hear from you. Get in while the going’s good.
See you at the snow! (or even the AGM)
Your Old Mumbler