Muniong Mumble 2014/02

The AGM has come and gone for another year.  Your Old Mumbler was very pleased at the fantastic turnout.  Our Board is again headed up by President Rob Holdaway and his team from 2013 was reelected, too.  But it is a particular pleasure to welcome both Lorraine Gregory and Juliette Spurrett to the Board.  Both ladies are long term members of the Club and are still very enthusiastic about the joint.  We look forward to their contribution.

The working bee earlier in the month was a great success, but the work is not over yet.  It is proposed to hold two more before the season starts.  Please put in your diary the weekends of 10-11 May and 17-18 May.  Yes, two bees one week apart.  If you can contribute to one or both of these efforts, please email Pres Rob at, or call him on 0407 056 737 for details. Painting and gardening are all the go and we can teach you about both.  So, don’t be afraid, please put your name down now.

See you at Muniong!

Posted in Working Bees.